Goat's milk tastes almost, if not exactly, the same as cow's milk. When goat's milk is stored at the correct temperature and is fresh you will struggle to know it's not cow's milk. Before goat's milk started to become popular it was mostly used by people that had their own goats and used the milk for themselves and anyone that visited. Food safety standards were not actively followed and as such many visitors were given milk that would not pass today's standards.
This is why goat's milk gained a reputation for having a strong flavour. The food that goats eat and animal husbandry practices also contribute to the taste of the milk to a lesser extent.
All dairy production, including goat's milk, is overseen by Safe Foods Production Queensland. They are a Queensland government organisation that ensures the Food Safety Code written by Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) is adhered. Each state in Australia has its own organisation in relation to food safety in the dairy industry.

We know what you are thinking...
"Goat's milk, that's just weird!"
And yes, it is a bit...
Here are a few facts that will change your mind about goat's milk.
The Health Benefits Of Goat's Milk
Did you know that goat's milk is A2? Not only is goat's milk A2, it also has up to double the amount of short chain amino acids as cow's milk and smaller fat globules than cow's milk. All this combines to make goat's milk easy for your body digest. While goat's milk is not lactose-free, it is what we like to call lactose-friendly.There are plenty of reasons to start adding goat's milk products to your diet.
More Calcium
More Potasium
Vitmain A
Vitamin B6
From Italy, gelato is similar to ice cream, in fact it is sometimes called "Italian ice cream." In Australia, the law requires ice cream to have a minimum of 10% butterfat. Gelato has no restrictions and usually has less butterfat content. There are several regional variations of gelato in Italy. These mostly involve the use of eggs or using cream and a starch instead of eggs. Almost all gelato has milk or at least a dairy product used as the main ingredient.
Our goats' milk pure gelato is made using no cows' milk or cream. The gelato is also gluten free, egg free, and nut free. We only use natural flavours and colours. It took a long time for us to perfect a recipe that does not include any cream or eggs but still has a velvety texture and tastes great. We are very proud of our goats' milk gelato and we are sure that you will enjoy eating it.
We decided to go with five classic flavours for the launch of our goat's milk gelato. Our aim was to create flovours that peple will love using as many natual, Australian grown ingredients as possible. Try all five during a Farm Tour and pick your favourite.

This chocolate is for the serious addict. It is a dark chocolate gelato with a hint of fudge. This was our favourite flavour to taste test. Trust me when I say that it took a lot of taste testing before we were happy with the recipe

We designed this coffee to be subtle. Through a lot of trial and error we developed a coffee gelato that is not bitter, is refreshing, and most importantly, it is equally well received by coffee lovers and everyone else.

If you like anything mint, then you will love our Mint gelato. We flavour the gelato by steeping mint leaves in hot milk to draw the flavour out. This gives our gelato a fresh taste that is hard to beat.

To make this gelato we first make a runny jam using real strawberries. We then fold the jam through the gelato mixture which gives it a natural red colour and a delicious strawberry flavour.

The all time classic flavour. Vanilla is a favourite of many people and we did not want to dissapoint. This was our toughest flavour to get right but we feel that the proof is in the pudding, err, gelato.
Goats’ cheese can be a delicious food that compares to any cheese made using cows’ milk. Goats’ milk has the ability to amplify the taste of cheese be it a feta, camembert, or cheddar. However, goats’ milk cheese can be made poorly. When this happens the flavours can be overpowering and leave an unpleasant flavour lingering in your mouth. The main reasons for this occurring is 1. The milk wasn’t stored correctly, and 2. It was old milk.
When goats’ milk is not stored correctly at or below 4C then it starts to develop a strong flavour which will become even stronger during the cheese making process. The older milk gets – even milk stored at 4C – the more likely it is to also develop a strong flavour which will carry on to the finished cheese.
By using all of our milk within 48 hours (usually within 24 hours) we remove the chance of the milk developing an unpalatable flavour. We also cool our milk to 4c or below within 4 hours of being milked so that we have fresh, tasty milk to work with every time.

Stenby is a soft, fresh cheese with a mild flavour and velvety texture. One of the most common comments we receive is that people are amazed at how delicate the flavour is for a goats’ cheese. This cheese also won a Gold Medal at the 2017 Royal Queensland Food & Wine Show. We are very proud to have won a gold medal at such a prestigious competition. One of our favourite ways to eat Stenby is by drizzling balsamic vinegar and olive oil over it, then lightly coat the cheese with cracked pepper. Some of our customers also like to have the cheese with sour cherry jam.
Our products are available in some stores around South East Queensland. They are also used in a number of resturants as well.
Where Can You Buy NLK Products?

Both our gelati and cheese are available at Oppy’s Fruit & Veg in Boonah.
Address: 10 Railway St, Boonah, Queensland 4310

All of our products are also for purchase here, right on the farm.
Address: 1531 Ipswich-Boonah Rd, Peak Crossing QLD 4306
Where NLK Products Are Used

Our products are currently being served in these restaurants

Currently we have over seventy adult goats and forty kids. Every day — just after sunrise — we start our day on the farm by milking our goats. All of our female goats go through the dairy every morning, no matter how old they are. This means that when our goats start producing milk they are used to going in to the dairy and going in to the bails for a feed of grain. During the day our goats are free to roam our paddocks and enjoy the green grass. Goats enjoy a variety of food so we also give them vegetables and fruits that are from local growers. The goats will eat tomatoes, capsicum, pumpkin, carrots, celery, mangoes, and watermelon. They really love watermelon, you just have to break it open for them. If required we will also milk our goats in the afternoon as we can increase production of milk this way. The goats are very happy to get a second feed of grain as well.
We also have half a dozen dorper sheep on the farm as they like to eat some of the weeds that goats will not eat — in particular fire weed which is poisonous to cattle and horses. We use the Italian dog breed 'Maremma' to protect our goats from foxes and wild dogs. We have not lost any goats to predators due to the maremmas.